R H Y T H M . Various Campaigns

Client: Rhythm Photographer: Taylah Golden, Tess Leopold Art Direction: Jacob Bryne Production: Miranda Rielly, Courtney Oliver Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Harmony Butcher, Ariarne Lepine, Yasmin Smith, Cynthia Taylu
S O M E T H I N G V E R Y S P E C I A L . Protect Your Energy
Client: Something Very Special Art Direction: Ainsley Hutchence/Matthew Bouris Photographer: Kane Skennar Digitech: Charlotte Murial Video: Troy Freyee Assistant: Belle Peacock Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Remi Zhu, Naomi Stevens, Grace Simmons
I N B L U E M . Rebirth

When spring has sprung and flowers bloom we all dance together, without competition or scarcity, each in our unique colours, shapes and sizes. Blooming in synchronicity and the rhythm of nature. The INBLUEM series delves into the hearts and minds of beautifully inspiring souls who explore their journeys of growth, self love, and vibrant connection.
Client: Inbluem Art Direction: Cooper Lover Photographer: Dean Raphael Hair and Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Muses: Montana Lower, Nidala Barker, Jinti Fell
V E R S A C E . Palazzo Empire Bag
Client: Versace Art Direction: Amanda Shadforth Photographer: Janneke Storm Hair and Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem
S I G N I F I C A N T O T H E R . Rainbow Beach, Collection 14

Client: Significant Other Art Direction: Claudia Korniotakis Photographer: Sebastian Paynter Film: Lynden Floss Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Serena Wardell, Nyat
L O U I S E J E A N . Various Campaigns
Client: Louise Jean Photographer: Nio Poniatowski Art Direction: Lulu Custance Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem
V R G G R L . Elements

Client: VRG GRL Photographer: Libby Willis Art Direction/Styling: Sarah Birchley Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Hair Styling: Shivaun - Rocaverde
A L T E R I O R M O T I F . Sir

Client: Alterior Motif Photographer: Nat Lanyon Stylist: Penny Lane Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Model: Emma Macgowan
D A V I D J O N E S . Vogue Australia

Client: David Jones Art Direction + Photographer: Jess Ruby James Producer: Coralie Tapper Stylist: Leigh Williams Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Gyala Bayles, Charlotte Murial
L A H A N A A C T I V E . Various Campaigns

Client: Lahana Active Photographer: Troy Freyee Production + Art Direction: Kunti Benson, Pointless Agency Video: Allan Woodman, Nixie Films Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Jessica Cavallaro, Lene Voigt

Client: Saya Photographer: Taylah Golden Videographer: Timothy Birch Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Rino Imamiya, Freya Prout, Larissa Santana
L A H A N A S W I M . Various Campaigns

Client: Lahana Swim Photographer: Troy Freyee Production + Art Direction: Kunti Benson, Pointless Agency Video: Allan Woodman, Nixie Films Hair+Make-Up Styling: Miranda Emblem Models: Ariarne Lepine, Yasmine Smith
V O L L E Y . Grassroots